Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Apart from the tours and visits, there were also video screening in the Conference Room in Darroch Hall and a few parties. The videos were screened every night except Saturdays and Sundays and when there were parties. There were two movies each night, all chosen by the entertainment committee. There were also refreshment like coffee, tea and biscuits. I was always there during the sessions preparing hot water for the drinks and after the shows had ended I would lend a hand cleaning up the place, switching off the TV and the video player.

In fact I had already seen the movies prior to going to Scotland so I just passed the time watching the re-runs. I also had the opportunity of having coffee, biscuits and chatting with friends. I remember very clearly two guys who were practically there every night. They were Mariozzo and Wang. Mariozzo was from Italy and Wang was from China. They were doing a short English course at the Language Institute. I can still picture Mariozzo because he had a bad case of flu and he was taking all sorts of medication. Wang was more reserved and spoke very little.

The Malaysian ladies were always absent except on two occasions where the movies involved love and sad stories.

I would say that I totally enjoyed the sessions and I would have a hand later in the second year. I shall come to that later.

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